Doctoral Consortium

We welcome submissions from students of diverse backgrounds and research areas. Join us at the Doctoral Consortium to receive valuable feedback, guidance, and networking opportunities to support your doctoral research journey.

The Doctoral Consortium at the International Conference on Entertainment Computing offers doctoral students a unique opportunity to receive feedback and guidance on their research from a panel of distinguished researchers in the field of entertainment computing and serious games. This interdisciplinary workshop provides a supportive environment for students to explore and develop their research interests, share their work with peers facing similar challenges, and engage with senior researchers.

All contributions have to be submitted via EasyChair.

Papers Length: 4 pages

Important dates

Submission deadline: August 15th

Notification of Acceptance: August 22th

Benefits of Participation:

- Receive feedback and guidance on your dissertation work from experienced researchers;

- Gain fresh perspectives on your research from scholars outside your institution;

- Network with peers and establish connections within the entertainment computing community;

- Contribute to the development of a supportive scholarly community and collaborative research spirit;

Who Should Apply:

We invite doctoral students who have a clear idea and area of research, and have made some progress on their dissertation work. Ideal candidates are at a stage where they can benefit from feedback and guidance, but are not too far along in their research that they cannot make changes. Both students and their advisors should be clear on what they can contribute to the Doctoral Consortium.

Submission Guidelines

Interested students should submit a single PDF file consisting of a 4-page extended abstract of their thesis work in Springer LNCS format. The abstract should clearly specify the originality of the work, its importance with respect to fundamental issues in entertainment computing, results to date, and expected contributions to the field. Additionally, candidates must include a biographical note, affiliation, and a one-paragraph statement outlining the expected benefits of participation for both themselves and other consortium participants.


Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.


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